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Shielding for parents with

children of school age



With the recent Government decision to allow children under the age of seven to return to school from this week, it’s a worrying time for parents who have been advised to shield until 31 March.


The latest shielding guidance from Welsh Government states that children and young people who live with someone who is clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV), but who are not CEV themselves, should still attend school.


Kidney patients, Hayleigh Isaac (Paul Popham Fund) and Judith Stone (Kidney Wales) share their top tips, for managing COVID risk for their young families:


  • Advise the school/teacher that you are CEV – they may be able to arrange for you to drop off/collect your children at less busy times;
  • Teach older children the importance of regular hand washing/sanitising – pop a small bottle of hand sanitiser in their pocket or school bag;
  • Wear a face covering on the school run and maintain a safe distance from any crowds at the school gate.  If your child is comfortable wearing a mask, pop one in their pocket or school bag;
  • Isolate school bags and coats to one place within your household – if possible, keep items in an outdoor garage or separate place in your household;
  • Wash hands immediately when you and your child/ren return from the school run;
  • Take off school uniform straight away and put it in a separate bag until you are ready to put on a load of washing – we use a spare pillow case;
  • Wash school uniform at 60 degrees;
  • Use washable lunchboxes, clean with antibacterial spray and wash thoroughly in hot soapy water after each use; and
  • Regularly wipe down door handles, light switches, taps etc with antibacterial wipes/spray.