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Back in 2019 I was a busy full time mental health nurse and Mum to two young girls.  I had started to feel very tired, and not just from being that busy individual, but an overwhelming tiredness, that didn’t refresh even after a good night’s sleep.  Finally, I went to the GP in November 2019.  They took bloods and within a couple of days I found myself in Morriston hospital in front of a renal consultant telling me I had Chronic Kidney Disease. They said it was serious, end stage, which would mean dialysis and/or transplant soon.  To say it was a shock is an understatement.

By April 2020 they had discovered I also had a condition called MGRS Myeloma for which I needed chemotherapy.  That year was a blur, covid, chemo, a failed fistula op, an AV loop graft and starting on Haemodialysis. 

I had many access issues with my AV graft and throughout 2021 I spent a lot of time in hospital having 3 fistuloplasty’s and 3 graft thrombolysis procedures.  It all took its toll, and I spent long periods without dialysis.  I was not able to have a kidney transplant until I had a Stem Cell transplant for fear of the myeloma returning and damaging the new kidney.  Therefore, in Feb 2022 I went through a stem cell transplant which involves high dose chemo and a lengthy stay in hospital in isolation.  Following that I had to wait a year for my body to recover and to have the full program of childhood immunisations again.  Finally, by Feb 2023 I was declared eligible for a kidney transplant. My wonderful hero of a sister came forward as a living doner and to our relief was a match. 

The transplant was completed successfully by the fantastic team in Cardiff on June 21st, 2023.  I knew as soon as I came round that the transplant had worked.  After 5 months I returned to work. I now swim, cycle, work and keep up with my busy family.  At times I couldn’t even see the light at the end of the tunnel, it felt so dark.  But here I am now, happy and living life to the full, I am so grateful to every single person who has helped me to get here, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to give back and not wasting a single day. Life is precious. 

To watch Carla’s Transplant Journey follow the link to our YouTube Channel Carla Transplant Journey – Part One (