Families of children with CKD - Kidney Wales
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Welcome to our Kidney Wales parent hub where you can find helpful information and resources to help you along your family’s kidney journey

There are lots of educational resources and videos available to help children understand some of the procedures they may experience when visiting the hospital.

Here’s some of our favourites:


The Cbeebies get-well-soon series sees Dr Ranj explaining lots of different procedures and conditions through song, there are videos about the kidneys and some of the tests your child may experience such as ECG’s, X-rays and cannula’s.


InfoKid provides information for parents and carers about Kidney conditions in babies children and young people. You can read about conditions, tests, treatments and supporting information, on screen or in downloadable leaflets.

Ready Steady Net

Ready Steady Net has been developed by a collaboration of healthcare professionals working together with patients and carers to help children and young people manage their chronic conditions. On the website you can find videos about dialysis, patient perspectives, peer projects and events.