Charity of the year partnerships - Kidney Wales
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Nominating us as your charity of the year is a unique way of uniting your staff behind an inspiring cause and demonstrate your company’s commitment to making a difference.

Kindey Wales works nationally, supporting those diagnosed with the chronic illness Kidney Disease and their families, as well as raising awareness of Kidney health to help in preventing some cases of the condition.

Your business will benefit from our expertise in kidney health and how it impacts those diagnosed improving the understanding of kidney disease.

We want to help you create a happier,
healthier and more productive workforce

Here are a handful of reasons to nominate Kidney Wales:

We have national presence in Wales

As a pan Wales charity, our reach is across all areas of Wales. With all money raised in Wales spent in Wales.

We have a dedicated and experienced team

The fundraising team have a personal approach, ensuring our partnership is bespoke to you. Stewarding our wonderful fundraisers is a priority, so we’ll ensure we do all that we can to make our partnership a successful one.

We work for an inspiring cause

Kidney Disease is a life long, chronic illness affecting 93,722 children and adults in Wales. There are treatment options such as dialysis and transplant but no cure. The illness can have damaging impacts on the physical and mental wellbeing of those diagnosed and their families. We work to support those affected, and lessen the burden throughout their Kidney journey.

We believe fundraising is fun!

We will help build a fun filled calendar of events, activities and challenges to make sure your staff stay engaged and motivated throughout the year.

For more information on our work, and how you can help download our Corporate Fundraising pack today. 

Download our Corporate Fundraising Pack

To speak to the team or to discuss a potential charity of the year you can
contact Danielle on:

Corporate support opportunities

Charity of the year partnerships

Charity of the year partnerships

Nominating us as your charity of the year is a unique way of uniting your staff behind an inspiring cause.

Events and Campaigns

Events and Campaigns

Take a look at our upcoming events and campaigns your colleagues can get involved with.

Book a Kidney Wales awareness talk

Book a Kidney Wales awareness talk

Enquire about a talk for your organisation.

Payroll giving

Payroll giving

A regular donation through your salary is one of the best ways for you to help. It is a simple and tax-efficient way to make a difference to those living…