Gifts in Wills
Leaving a Gift to Charity in your Will
For over 50 years, the generosity of people remembering Kidney Wales in their will has purchased lifesaving facilities and treatment, expanded healthcare teams, provided financial assistance to patients in need, funded ground breaking research, helped to influence the law change on organ donation in Wales, and has enabled us to champion, support and simply be there for patients and their families living with a life long chronic condition.
Kidney Wales continues to raise awareness of kidney disease, and its impact on patients and their loved ones. Improving the lives of patients and their families, whilst advocating for them to ensure the best possible care and support are key objectives for us. For this we need your help.

We appreciate every single gift left to us, with every pound being spent to fund projects with the biggest impact on our community.
Did you know Gifts in wills (also known as ‘legacies’) provide around half of the funding for Kidney Wales’ life changing work supporting families and kidney patients in Wales?
Making a Will is not something most of us think about, however it is one of the most important documents you will ever prepare. That is especially true if you have specific wishes to be carried out. Making a Will not only gives you peace of mind that your wishes are going to be carried out, but it will also make things a little easier for your loved ones. Once you’ve made sure friends and family are looked after, If the time is ever right for you to include a charity in your will please remember Kidney Wales.
A gift to Kidney Wales is your opportunity to leave a legacy that has endless possibilities investing in our vital work for patients and their loved ones, who endure the daily battles of kidney disease, both in the present and for those who will unfortunately come to develop chronic illness in the future.
Why you might like to help
We are grateful to every supporter who has decided to leave a gift in their will. A legacy makes a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of our kidney community now, and future generations to come.
Bob Wood, a transplant patient, has chosen to leave a gift to Kidney Wales in his Will

The choice to leave a gift was an easy
one. I felt very supported having the conversation and happy with my decision. I would encourage anyone thinking about it to leave a gift to an organisation that means something to them, of course it depends on everyone’s individual circumstances, but I feel truly great knowing that my gift will help in the years to come
The topic of writing a Will or leaving a legacy is one that should be approached with sensitivity and respect. When Robert Wood was ready to update his Will, he knew he wanted to leave a gift to Kidney Wales.
Bob Wood lived with polycystic kidney disease [PKD] a condition that causes cysts to grow in the kidneys. This disease led to him having a transplant in 1995. Bob was one of the last people to be operated on in the Cardiff Royal Infirmary, the kidney he received was an excellent match and he is still living well with it today.
Bob feels blessed to have a wonderful family, that have always been there to support him and Kidney Wales. Wanting to give back and make a difference Bob’s decision to leave a legacy to Kidney Wales is one that is important to him. Having never reached a point of needing dialysis treatment, he truly empathises with patients who are on dialysis. He believes in the incredible work Kidney Wales does raising awareness of the importance of organ donation, supporting patients to live well with kidney disease and for the hard work done throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
A supporter for many years Bob and his family have given so much to Kidney Wales, Daughters Lizzy Wood and Victoria Wood are dedicated trustees of the charity and Bob has been a passionate fundraiser. Raising money through charity Golf days and fundraising evenings.
Now Bob plans to continue living well, enjoying time with his amazing grandchildren, three wonderful daughters and fitting in plenty of family trips to their caravan in West Wales.
Bob said “The choice to leave a gift was an easy one. I felt very supported having the conversation and happy with my decision. I would encourage anyone thinking about it to leave a gift to an organisation that means something to them, of course it depends on everyone’s individual circumstances, but I feel truly great knowing that my gift will help in the years to come.”
Useful information about leaving a gift in your Will
Kidney Wales Free Will service (limited time only)
Download our Gifts in Wills Guide
Your gift can truly make a difference Video
How to Leave a Gift in your Will
We do understand that gifts in Wills are incredibly personal decisions. But they can also be surprisingly quick and simple to organise.
If you don’t have a Will
Follow these three simple steps to make your gift
to Kidney Wales.
- Make a list of everything you own, including property and investments, and decide who to name as executors. These are the people who will make sure your wishes are carried out.
- Decide who to include. For many people, loved ones will come first, but then you might also like to think about leaving a gift to a charity. When considering Kidney Wales, some people leave a percentage of their estate to us and some a specific amount. We appreciate every single gift left to us, with every pound being spent to fund projects with the biggest impact on our community.
- Use a solicitor to write your Will so that all legalities covered.
If you wish to discuss leaving a gift in your Will please contact Danielle Jones
Free Will writing service
Kidney Wales have teamed up with Farewill, the UK’s best rated will-writing specialists and winners of the National Will Writing Firm of the Year 2019 to 2022, to offer a free online and phone Will-writing service for a limited time only.
Did you know….59% of UK adults have not written a will (research from Canada Life September 2020).
Making a Will is not something most of us think about, however it is one of the most important documents you will ever prepare. That is especially true if you have specific wishes to be carried out.
With the help of specialists Farewill, you can quickly and securely write your Will in the comfort of your own home. Farewill will have your document checked by a specialist to make sure all your wishes are clear, and all this is completely free. The next step for you will then be to print and sign everything, in front of two witnesses, to make it legally binding, and secure your peace of mind.
Write your will for free today
We appreciate that providing for your family, friends and loved ones will always come first. We do hope you will consider remembering Kidney Wales in your will, there is no obligation to leave a gift to us if you use this service, but if you do choose to remember us, thank you and know that your gift will truly help us support families and change lives.
Every penny of every gift, however large or small, will be invested in our vital work for patients and their loved ones, who endure the daily battles of chronic kidney disease and kidney related illnesses, both in this present time and for those who will unfortunately come to develop this chronic illness in the future.
How to use our free Will service
- Consider who you want to remember
Think about the people and causes you care about and how you would like to remember them in your Will
- Write your free Will
to write your will online. You will be taken step by step through the Will-writing process with professional support from the team at Farewill – it should take no more than 30 minutes.
- Get your Will Signed and Witnessed
If you are having difficulty with the online service, you can arrange a telephone appointment with the Farewill team here
Please note
- This free online Will service is available for a limited time to our supporters in England and Wales. The telephone Will service is available to supporters in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The offer finishes once they’re booked up, which can be before the month’s end. If you have your Will written or updated for free with us, there’s no obligation to leave us a gift. But once you’ve made sure friends and family are looked after, we’d be very grateful if you’d consider it.
- A team of friendly specialists from Farewill are available Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm for support, through email or by phone
- Online Wills may not be appropriate for all circumstances. Highly complex wills can be supported at a additional cost.
- Download our Gifts in Wills guide here
If you already have a Will
To add Kidney Wales as a beneficiary, talk to your solicitor about updating your Will, or completing a codicil and storing it with your Will.

More Ways to Get Involved

Host your own fundraiser
Fundraising is a challenge, but it can be fun and rewarding if you plan it right.
You will have the full support of our team.

Facebook fundraisers
Thank you so much for choosing to raise money for Kidney Wales through Facebook Whether you are setting up a birthday fundraising page, using Facebook to raise money for a…

Fundraise when you shop online
Did you know that if you use websites like easyfundraising to complete your purchase you financially support kidney patients in Wales at no extra cost.

Become a Volunteer Ambassador
Thank you for expressing an interest in our volunteer Ambassador scheme. The Volunteer Ambassador scheme is an awareness raising project wherein volunteers with a personal connection to kidney disease deliver…