Kidney Wales
grants and vouchers
The health and well-being of our Welsh kidney community has been severely affected by a third national lock down with serious implications for the economy and jobs, and the re-introduction of shielding for those who are clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV).
To promote self-care, with funding from the Moondance Foundation, Kidney Wales is today launching a new Well-being Voucher project. A small gesture to patients during these challenging times, that we hope will help get us through the remaining lock down, and while the COVID vaccine is being rolled out more widely.
To identify the most pressing needs amongst the 20,000 kidney patients in Wales, Kidney Wales works closely with the team of Renal Social Workers and Clinical Psychologists to understand how we can best contribute to the range of support that is available locally to patients and families.
Please speak to your Renal Social Worker or Kidney health care team about Kidney Wales’ grants for urgent financial assistance and the Well-Being Voucher project, or contact us on 029 2034 3940 or e-mail [email protected] and we will help you to contact the appropriate person in your area.
Applications for grants and vouchers will only be accepted from health care professionals, submitted on behalf of patients.
Kidney Wales Resources
Well Being Voucher Poster download for Health Care Professionals: Voucher promo poster 2021 final version
Free face coverings for kidney patients in Wales:
Kidney Patient Newsletters:
Citizen’s Advice Q&A:
Psychologists Wellbeing Talk:
Kidney Wales and Financial support: Financial support and Kidney Wales 2020
Other useful resources and links
Kidney Care UK Counselling service: Counselling and support service | Kidney Care UK
Kidney Care UK Advocacy team: Advice & support | Kidney Care UK
Paul Popham Careline: Peer Support Services – Paul Popham Fund
Mind Cymru: Mind Cymru | Mind
Samaritans: Contact Us | Samaritans
Citizens Advice:
Age Cymru: Age Cymru | We are the national charity for older people in Wales. (
Carer’s Wales: We’re here to make life better for carers – Carers UK
CALL mental health listening line: C.A.L.L. Mental Health Helpline – Community Advice and Listening Line (
Young person’s mental health: YoungMinds – children and young people’s mental health charity
Silvercloud: SilverCloud Health | The Leading Digital Mental Health Platform