Organ Donation Awareness Week 2024
“Enhancing Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness in Wales amongst South Asian Communities, Supported by NHSBT Funding & in partnership with Kidney Research UK”
For Organ Donation Awareness Week 2024, we are delighted to announce the launch of a series of recorded webinars focusing on the relationship between faith and organ donation. These webinars were recorded over a number of months and include; the Wales Multi-Faith & Organ Donation Webinar, alongside the Hindu Faith & Organ Donation Webinar, Islam Faith & Organ Donation Webinar, and Sikh Faith & Organ Donation Webinar.
In partnership with Kidney Research UK, the project focuses on engaging predominantly South Asian communities—Sikh, Hindu, Muslim, and Arab Muslims—across Wales, to encourage informed decisions about organ donation. By educating and raising awareness within these communities, we hope to increase the number of organs available for transplantation and empower individuals to share their organ donation decisions with their families.

Thanks to funding from NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), which allowed us to deliver and record these webinars and also thanks are extended to all the faith leaders and NHS colleagues who spoke at the webinars.

Why is ethnicity important in organ donation?
For many individuals awaiting a transplant, the best match often comes from a donor who shares the same ethnic background.
People of South Asian descent frequently face longer wait times for a suitable match due to a shortage of donors from similar backgrounds.
If you are of South Asian heritage, you can make a difference by registering as an organ donor or considering becoming a living donor, helping someone in need on the waiting list.
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