Work for us - Kidney Wales
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Current job opportunities:

We are hiring Trustees!

Kidney Wales is seeking to recruit people with professional skills and experience, from the third, public and private sectors, who are motivated to apply their talents to benefit the Welsh kidney community.

Qualifications are not a pre-requisite to applying, and lived experience is valued.  A genuine interest in learning about kidney disease and the work of the charity are essential.

These Trustees will join our current experienced board of Trustees and staff, adding to and enhancing our dynamic approach to supporting the Kidney Community within Wales

Who are we looking for?

Individuals who can provide strategic direction, scrutiny, stretch and support to the staff team to deliver the r organisational strategy and operational plan.

Currently, we are specifically looking for applicants with knowledge, skills and experience in:


  • Understanding of the financial and budgetary environments within the third sector.
  • Expertise in income generation in the third or private sectors, and an ability to support the staff team to continue to diversify income streams.

Human resources and/or employment law

  • Knowledge of HR policies and procedures and employment law.
  • Experience of managing individuals and teams of paid staff and/or volunteers.


Experience in a paid or voluntary capacity of fundraising for charitable purposes.

What will I gain from the experience of being a trustee?

  • The opportunity to build your professional network and work with a diverse group of trustees, from all walks of life.
  • Experience of applying and developing your professional skills outside of work.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the operating environment for charities.
  • Supporting patients and families suffering from chronic kidney disease.

Time commitment

Trustees are required to attend quarterly board meetings, which are normally held online, with at least one in person meeting scheduled each year.

Additional Information

Trustee roles are voluntary and therefore unpaid; however, expenses may be paid for any reasonable costs incurred through carrying out trustee duties. 

How to Apply

Please email Ross Evans, Managing Director of Kidney Wales, with an up-to-date CV and covering letter, outlining why you are interested in becoming a trustee.  [email protected]

If you would like to speak to the chair or MD prior to applying, please also contact Ross, using the same email address. [email protected]

To download the full job profile, click the button below.
