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03.09.23 – Cardiff 10k –

The headline partners of the Brecon Carreg CDF 10K have teamed up to highlight the crucial role of hydration in maintaining kidney health.

Headline sponsor of the event, Brecon Carreg, and lead charity partner, Kidney Wales, have joined forces to urge this year’s runners to stay well hydrated.

While many may know this is a key factor in running performance, what they may not realise is that drinking water can also significantly impact kidney function and overall health.

Our kidneys are incredible organs that perform several vital functions. These include:

  • Filtering waste: Kidneys remove waste products and excess fluids from the blood, which are then excreted as urine.
  • Balancing fluids: They help maintain the balance of electrolytes and fluids in the body, crucial for cellular function.
  • Supporting Red Blood Cell Production: Kidneys release erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates red blood cell production.

Given these critical functions, maintaining kidney health is essential, and proper hydration plays a central role in this process. This can help:

  • Facilitate waste removal: Adequate water intake helps the kidneys efficiently filter and remove waste products from the blood. Dehydration can lead to a build-up of waste and toxins, potentially causing kidney stones or other complications.
  • Prevent kidney stones: Sufficient hydration dilutes urine, reducing the concentration of minerals that can form kidney stones. Drinking plenty of water is one of the most effective ways to prevent kidney stones.
  • Reducing the risk of Chronic Kidney Disease: Long-term dehydration may increase the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Staying hydrated helps mitigate this risk by ensuring the kidneys function optimally over time.

Ross Evans, Managing Director at Kidney Wales, said: “At Kidney Wales we want to ensure everyone is taking the steps they can to look after these vital organs, and staying well hydrated is crucial. We’re thrilled to be working alongside Brecon Carreg at this year’s CDF 10K to raise awareness of how something as simple as drinking water, can have a myriad of benefits in maintaining healthy kidneys.”

Eleri Morgan, Brecon Carreg’s Brand Manager, added: “Brecon Carreg is extremely proud to sponsor the CDF 10K. As the official water partner for Run 4 Wales events we know how important it is to keep runners hydrated, not only to ensure their optimum health and performance while taking part but, as has been highlighted, in helping to maintain other areas of health, such as that of our kidneys.”

It can be difficult to ensure you’re keeping hydrated but there are some simple tips that can help.

As well as aiming to drink regularly throughout the day, make sure to monitor your urine. If it is clear or light-coloured this indicated that you’re properly hydrated, however if it’s darker in colour it means you need to top up your water intake.

Carrying a water bottle with you can make drinking water more convenient and eating fruits and vegetables that have a high-water content – such as watermelon, cucumbers and oranges – can help.

Finally, being aware that you need to adjust your water intake for activity and climate is essential too.

Steve Brace, Run 4 Wales Race Director and double Olympic Marathoner, explains: “Hydration is vital, especially when exercising, as you’ll be losing more water than you normally would through sweat. Not having enough water can lead to muscle cramps, dizziness and even heat exhaustion and it can often cause the heart to work harder to circulate blood around the body. On an average day it’s recommended you should drink around eight glasses of water (2 litres), but this should increase when you exercise – or for the boffins that’s about 1ml of water for every calorie you burn.”

He added: “Staying hydrated while exercising is also essential as you can lose around a litre of fluid for every hour of exercise. If this isn’t replaced you can see your performance level start to drop. While it’s important to take small sips of water at regular intervals, having an electrolyte tablet mixed in will also help to replenish those salts and minerals that your body loses through sweat.

“After the race, make sure to rehydrate your body – you’ll find Brecon Carreg water for you at the finish line as well as water refilling stations too.”

Entries to this year’s Brecon Carreg CDF 10K are nearing sell out. You can join Team Kidney Wales for just a £1 by committing to raise a minimum of £125 for the cause.