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Running for a Cause: Sadie’s Story

“Hello, my name is Sadie. I am 19 years old, currently pursuing my dream role as a Degree Apprentice with the NHS Shared Services Partnership while studying for a Real Estate Degree at the University of South Wales. I’m here to share a deeply personal story and invite you to join me in supporting a cause close to my heart.

My Godfather, Martyn, whom I always saw as a father figure, was diagnosed with Kidney Disease. For over six years, he endured the gruelling routine of dialysis three times a week. Although dialysis is exhausting and challenging, it granted him the precious gift of time. Martyn was placed on the transplant list, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, he opted out due to the associated risks and his other medical conditions. Despite undergoing numerous tests two years before his passing, the complications from his age and health made a transplant inadvisable.

Witnessing Martyn’s journey was heart-wrenching. His treatment brought significant changes to his lifestyle, including the loss of his ability to work. However, Kidney Wales provided invaluable support, helping with financial aid for electrical equipment and grocery vouchers. Through Martyn’s experiences, I learned about the harsh realities of dialysis but also the hopeful stories of patients who received transplants and went on to lead healthy, happy lives all be it knowingly not cured from the disease. 

I know Kidney Wales are a beacon of support for so many, offering assistance through various initiatives, including financial aid, educational webinars and funding life changing research.  I am proud to be participating in the Cardiff 10K to honour my Godfather Martyn’s memory, it will be a tribute to his life and a memorable way to support the cause that was so important to him.  Taking part will be more than just a personal challenge for me; it is a way to give back to a charity that made a significant difference in Martyn’s life and to help others who are facing similar battles”.

Join Sadie in making a difference by joining Team Kidney Wales at the Cardiff 10K on Sunday 1st of September.  Your support can help provide essential support and hope to those affected by Kidney Disease.